Liebster Awards

I’m rather humbled and (also thrilled) to have been nominated for a Liebster Award by All you need is love (and cake).  Thank you 🙂

liebster awards

I hadn’t come across this award before, but it appears that the aim of this award is to help new bloggers build up their audience and reach new people, and also helps people find new blogs to follow.  What a great idea!  I’m still surprised that anyone takes a moment to read my ramblings 😀

It appears that there are a few rules that go with this award:

  • list 11 facts about myself
  • answer the 11 questions mentioned by my nominator
  • choose 11 bloggers with 200 or less followers to nominate (I do have over 200 but am a newbie – so think the rules have been bent a little)
  • go to each bloggers page and let them know about the award
  • thank that person who nominated you and link back to their blog

11 facts about myself

  • I am a huge Ferrari Formula One fan
  • When I was small we had numberous pets including 2 beautiful Macaws
  • I have an issue with water, but am facing my fear
  • I finally plucked up courage to have my nose pierced at the age of 39
  • When I was younger I was adamant that I never wanted children!
  • I have a serious addiction to cashew nuts
  • I can’t watch Watership Down without crying
  • I hate custard
  • I can’t add up to save my life
  • I am never late for anything
  • I do make rather tasty Blueberry Muffins

 11 Questions

1. Why did you start blogging?
Monkey had just started pre-school and I finally had a bit of ‘me’ time, I love writing, photography and sharing information – this is the perfect platform for me.

2. If you could eat lunch anywhere in the world, where and what would you eat?
There is an amazing restaurant in Bologna called Da Silvio in Bologna – I love all Italian food and this place is just wonderful.

3. Whom, what, where does your blogging inspiration come from?
My son, my parents, my life and the world around me.

4. What is your favourite quote?
Live life to the full

5. What projects are you working on right now?
Moving this blog forward, going self hosted over the next month hopefully, need to get my head around Pinterest and Google +, oh and I really need to finish Monkey’s cross stitch Christmas Stocking in time for this Christmas!

6. What is the best thing about you?
I’m always available to listen

7. Will you follow the bloggers that you nominate?
Yes, if I’m not already!

8. What makes you giggle?
Top Gear – 3 grown men who act like kids

9. How do you cope with a stressful day?
Wine and/or cake!

10. What do you hope that your children remember about you?
That I tried my best and that I aim to make him laugh every day

11. What is your favourite meal?
Any Seabass dish, followed by Tiramisu

My 11 nominations:

  1. The Soup Dragon Says
  2. In the Playroom
  3. Wilfing My Life Away
  4. Being Mummy
  5. Secrets of the Sandpit
  6. The Pigeon Pair and Me
  7. Gin & Cornflakes
  8. Gammon and Chips
  9. White Feathers and so much more
  10. Hussy London Housewife
  11. The Mad Mummy Musings

My 11 questions for these bloggers are:

  1. What is the most important thing you’ve learnt seen becoming parent?
  2. Why did you start blogging?
  3. If you could swap places with anyone for a day – who would it be and why?
  4. What is your favourite place in the world and why?
  5. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be and why?
  6. What is your best quality?
  7. What is your favourite meal?
  8. How would you like to be remembered by your children?
  9. Where does your blogging inspiration come from?
  10. What is the one tip you could pass on to a fellow blogger?
  11. Will you follow the bloggers you nominate?

About over40andamumtoone

I'm an over 50 mum to one, sharing my adventures with my 11 year old son
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15 Responses to Liebster Awards

  1. thesoupdragonsays says:

    Thanks Mary, I will have a look and see what inspiration I can find! 🙂

  2. Thanks for nominating me. But I’m shocked – how can you dislike custard??? It goes perfectly with blueberry muffins 😉

    • NO!!!! Do you know it all goes back to my Mum. I’m not a huge milk fan so no real surprise I don’t like custard, but she used to make it and put it in this blue tupperware jug with a lid on it. When you tipped the lid up the custard skin would ouze out – vile! Still makes me feel ill, and my brother is exactly the same. It’s banned in this house, much to my husband’s displeasure 🙂

  3. What a great idea! Some lovely blogs there – I shall be interested to read what they say 😀

  4. Pingback: Liebster Awards | The Soup Dragon Says...

  5. Mmmm. Tiramisu! I’m with you there! I’m actually on holiday in Malta at the moment and had a tiramisu icecream in a cone only yesterday! Thanks so much for nominating me! That’s so lovely! How exciting!!! I’ll try to get it done whilst I’m over here on hols, but if not, when I get home. xoxo 🙂

  6. Thank you so much for nominating my White Feathers blog 🙂 So lovely of you. Now, the serious business of tiramisu…am completely with you there too! Perhaps we need to set up a tiramisu club, rating different ones from around the world… 🙂 xx

  7. ginandcornflakes2013 says:

    Hello love! I cant believe you dont like custard but I do get the addiction to cashew nuts 🙂 Thank you so much for the nomination – makes me feel all fuzzy inside as it’s nice that people read your blog and like it, as we do yours. Hurrah! I think that it is etiquette though not to accet these awards twice so sadly I’ll have to decline 😦 As much as I love writing about myself ;o) and have loads of new blogs to put forward that I’ve been reading and loving, I’d better stick to convention. Thank you so much though. And just because I cant doesnt mean it is not appreciated. Much love xx

  8. You can’t not like custard ! Yum, yum ! ;0) Thanks for the nomination xx Lost my blogging mojo a bit lately, so gathering myself to get back to it PDQ. 2 blogs, 2 kids (2 & 6) and Mummy’s a tad knackered. And Tiramisu – YUK ! Even if it is ice cream ;0) xx

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