Our ‘crafty’ afternoon – my kind of gardening

With Granny’s birthday coming up we thought we’d try to do something artistic (not something that comes naturally to Mummy).  Granny loves flowers and her garden; living in Southern Spain has not dampened her enthusiasm for all things floral.  I, unfortunately don’t have her green fingers.

Anyway, I had it in my mind to help Monkey make a flower picture for her. I started off with a piece of card for the background, cut a green piece of paper up for a grass border, cut some stems, leaves and petals out (realised that I have no child friendly scissors and need to source some left-handed ones in the process – but that’s a different story for another day!) and then let Monkey at it…… these are the results

stage 2


Ok, so they are not going to be DSC06153hanging in the Louvre one day, but for us it’s a start!

Granny will love them and we had great fun sticking it all together.

Monkey being Monkey, he screwed up the remaining pieces of tissue paper into ‘rubble’ for his building site and then decided that he would make a tissue paper cake with them instead (imaginary – not more art!!) and then sang me Happy Birthday  – that’s not for a few months yet, but it was a lovely way to spend the afternoon 🙂

About over40andamumtoone

I'm an over 50 mum to one, sharing my adventures with my 11 year old son
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6 Responses to Our ‘crafty’ afternoon – my kind of gardening

  1. looks great! im sure his granny will love that

  2. nina says:

    You ve both been very busy Mary x

  3. Shona says:

    We have a little leftie too. Got him some decent scissors from ELC. Just make sure when Freddie starts school that they remember he is left handed and they don’t try to put him in the Fiddly Fingers group for those who need more work on their fine motor skills ……they tried to tell me Arran needed this having assessed him cutting along a drawn line using normal scissors!! Doh!

  4. Just ordered some from ELC, oh don’t worry I’m a leftie too, and when I was at school it was awful – nothing for lefties at all, and they made me use a fountain pen, gave up trying to teach me tennis because I used the wrong hand! Glad that things have improved over the years and there is no way he is going through all of that!

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